National Research Shows Jewish Early Childhood Educators Need Support

Early Childhood Educators of Reform Judaism, in collaboration with partners such as the Jewish Community Centers Association and Chicago’s Jewish United fund, recently conducted a study on early childhood educators’ compensation. The researchers found that Jewish early childhood educators only earn half the wages of their counterparts in public K-12 teaching positions, impacting educators’ quality […]

Using Data to Guide Strategic Grantmaking in Jewish Early Childhood Education

We lead three organizations — Koret Foundation, Rodan Family Foundation and Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta — committed to supporting Jewish life in the Bay Area, in the SF East Bay Area, and in metropolitan Atlanta, respectively. A few years ago, independent of each other, we all wanted to gain a deeper understanding of the […]

Learning About Learning: Conversations with Scholars of Jewish Education

There is great scholarship being done in the field of Jewish education, but it’s not always accessible. And even when it is, it’s not always obvious why people in the field of Jewish education should care about it. That’s what this podcast is about—making really interesting scholarship on Jewish education accessible and talking with scholars […]

A Candid Conversation about Jewish Early Childhood Education: Season 2, Episode 2

Adapting: The Future of Jewish Education Does Jewish early childhood education have the potential to radically transform the Jewish community? What impact would federally funded early childhood education have on Jewish early childhood centers in the United States? What exactly is Jewish early childhood education? This week’s guest is Anna Hartman, recipient of the 2021 […]

Supportive Supervision

Early childhood centers that have been reopening since early summer have a word of warning for schools: Don’t forget to make time for supportive supervision. More than ever, educators isolated in their classrooms or behind their laptops need support. The early childhood field has a unique model of supervision, rooted in relationships and collaboration, that […]

Prizmah Podcasts: Foundation For Life – Excellence in Jewish Early Childhood Education

Learn about the vital, sophisticated work of Reggio-inspired Jewish early childhood educators from two day school administrators and a field leader who is also the author of a recent dissertation. The conversation ranges from the ways that educators understand the minds of young students to the development of Jewish identity and creativity, with a glimpse into […]

A Little Bit More Far than Mexico: How 3- and 4-year Old Jewish Children Understand Israel

This study examines how 3- and 4-year-old Jewish children think and feel about Israel. The research, conducted as a collaboration between scholars and practitioner-researchers who work in Jewish early childhood centers, draws upon group interviews, elicitation/provocation exercises, a drawing task, and teacher documentation to investigate how some of the youngest learners in Jewish educational settings […]

Early Childhood Compensation can Change

The time for change is now. We can (and must) do it. Being a teacher, a woman, and an early childhood educator is financially hazardous, according to CASJE’s recent report, “Compensation: The Salaries and Benefits of Jewish Educators.” This information is not new, and it is not unique to early childhood Jewish education. What is […]

Nice Work if You Can Afford It

The time for change is now. We can (and must) do it. By Anna Hartman Being a teacher, a woman, and an early childhood educator is financially hazardous (13), according to CASJE’s recent report, Compensation: The Salaries and Benefits of Jewish Educators. This information is not new, and it is not unique to early childhood Jewish […]

Together for the Journey and the Win

“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”  The internet is pretty unsure who first developed this little bit of wisdom, but most of us can agree that it makes sense. Working together seems promising. But as anyone who has ever written a group term paper or […]