PJ Library
Free Jewish books for families.
Paradigm Project
The Paradigm Project is a growing network of practitioner-activists passionate about envisioning and realizing the incredible potential of the early childhood years for children, families, educators, and communities. Their mission is to multiply, nurture and network the seeds of excellence in Jewish early childhood education. They do this by facilitating learning gatherings that empower educators […]
Jewish Learning Works
Jewish LearningWorks elevates the field of Jewish education by nurturing educators, inspiring innovation, and building Jewish literacy. We are developing new mindsets that spark change and revere every Jewish educator and learner as central to Jewish life. Together we are building a just Jewish community of imagination, curiosity and belonging for generations to come.
JCC Association
The Sheva Center is an innovative approach to early childhood education, empowering teachers and directors, and positioning JCC early childhood education centers as centers of excellence. jcca.org/what-we-do/sheva/
Jewish Theological Seminary
From the Conservative movement. Provides lifelong learning and professional development. www.jtsa.edu/community-learning/
Covering Jewish practice, learning and values, community, and family from a Chabad lens chased.org
Israel’s largest content library for children’s activities, which includes courses for kindergarteners and teachers, songs and more. The home for class instructors, kindergartners, teachers and parents of children and toddlers! https://netkids.co.il/
Resources on LGBTQ equality in Jewish Life
Reform Judaism
Reform Judaism affirms the central tenets of Judaism — God, Torah, and Israel — while acknowledging the diversity of Reform Jewish beliefs and practices.¡
Early Childhood Educators of Reform Judaism
Early Childhood Educators of Reform Judaism (ECE-RJ) is committed to serving early childhood educators and leaders in congregational settings. We believe in elevating the professional self of our members through education, networking, and collaboration. We believe that the work of ECE-RJ increases the status and visibility of our profession and our schools within Jewish communal […]