Preschool Affordability


Ensuring Access and Equity for All

All Jewish families, regardless of background or economic status, deserve access to the immersive Jewish educational experience preschool offers. Need-based tuition assistance and incentive grants help facilitate this broad participation.

As capacity increases, funds raised will be deployed strategically to best broaden our reach. During our pilot phase, we partnered with the Bay Area Federation and the Jim Joseph Foundation to provide over $305,000 in emergency preschool scholarships for 140 East Bay families whose financial stability was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

With tuition revenue as the primary lever to ensure our schools’ financial sustainability and to improve educator compensation, we need to have adequate annual tuition assistance funds available.

"With tears in my eyes, THANK YOU!!! The parent cried when I told them that we would be offering this scholarship, and they are ‘so, so thankful’ that we were able to help them in this way."

Quotes from Bay Area Jewish preschool parents

Shared by Early Childhood Education director